Walmart Global Donation Management System
B2B SaaS product
Objective of the Project
A good of chunk of profits earned by giant companies like Walmart goes to donations and social services calling for the needs of an efficient system taking care of this and making the end to end process seamless.
Designing a system that makes donations effortless and should be a nightmare of numbers, giving end-to-end transparency to the entire organization.
My Role in the project
User Understanding, Information Architecture, Interaction and Visual Designs
User Persona and Assumptions
Sarah Walker belongs to the Business team and is one of the Managers who has the authority to approve donations requests.
The requesters can be NGOs, Social Worker, Volunteers or any other charitable trusts.
Before approving any requests, Sarah considers looking into the background of the organizations.
To accomplish these verifications, Sarah has a team of experts who verify every ounce of the requestees including their goodwill, past social works, donations raised and utilized, etc.
If Sarah is convinced, she’ll give a go ahead to the request else she either send it back for re-verification including any comments. She can also keep a track of what has been done by the team on the request so far.
Only the requests that are verified and qualify their criteria will reach Sarah, rest will be filtered out in the verification phases.
As the efficiency of Sarah depends on her responses to requests, she’ll need frequent reports to forward to the leadership team. This should include all the donation areas say state and category level, etc. This will require Sarah’s time to build a report and present it on Quarterly/Yearly basis.
She’s also in-charge of allocating shelves/stalls periodically to help the requestees raise funds.
Uses cases considered and problems solved
Overview of request raised, funds and resource donated, plus, under-consideration cases.
Reports to be generated based on the budget utilised/requests considered/allocation vs donation, etc.
Customizing the reports on the platform to eliminate manual intervention and efforts.
Background verification and request modifications.
Easy ways to connect with the team on clarification of requests and other updates.
Status of resources available in the warehouse.
Details of space allocated for donation.
Categories the requests based on States, Grant type (Goods, Money ,etc), Requester which will help in future allocations.
Historical donation data.
Archive requests if inappropriate with rationale.
Maintain status of requests to ease the tracking.
Customize the report dashboard.
Newsletters to remain up to date with the current Donation scenarios.
Scope to narrow down these ample requests.
Brainstorming and Ideating
Below are the areas I jotted down to cover in the project and as it was supposed to be graphical so that leaderships can have a bird eye view of the same, started illustrating the visuals fitting in with the gather numbers and other data
High Fidelity Wireframes
When logged in, Overview will act as Landing screen where Sarah can see the new requests, status of other requests along with IDs(helpful for searching) and source of requests. It will help her to track the status of each application.
Verified Requests
Detailed view of every request with all the information, where Sarah and team can verifiy the requests, modify, analyse and re-verify if required and approve them. Also, it has details of the previous donation required for background check and historical data.
This screen gathers all the data under one roof, letting the user filter it out for specific time period and other parameters. This will let the user customize entire manual report based on the presentation requirement with manual efforts.
Reports across categories - Graph view
The entire Donation for the selected time frame is sub-divided into further categories tu understand which has drawn most donations (will also help for future planning).
Donation Space utilization
As the donations will not only be in the form of cash or goods but also as space reserved for stalls or shelves reserved for such goods(e.g. handmade). .
So, the space reserved from each department is depicted on this screen.
High Fidelity visuals aligning with Walmart's branding guidelines
Future Scope
Analyse the requests received and modify it based on the requirements.
If new requests to be raised by Sarah for exhausted Goods and resources.
Transparency in Lead’s verification process and other parameters considered by them.
Newsletters to remain up-to-date with the donation information.
Enhancing the customize option in a manner that it let her create presets and use in a single click.